Thursday, July 29, 2004

And Now That It Has End...

Seven months ago, I was offered this mission.

Have you ever been in a situation when you were ask to go to the battle field with only a little knife as your weapon, knowing that your enemy have bazooka? It felt like mission impossible and for those who doubt me at that time, I really can't blame them because I have that feeling in me too. And yet, being the crazy me, I took the risk anyway thinking that maybe, just maybe, on the odd chance of one to hundreds, I might succeed.

Yeah right, if only I were Mc Gyver.

So here I am, seven months from that time. Feeling like a looser, I didn't manage to defeat the enemy. There's so many what-if and if-only. I can think of many things that I wish I have done better. But now that it has end, I know that there's nothing more that I can do. 

At least I didn't get killed.

Looking back, I have learn so much in this seven months, something that some people might need two years to encounter. Feeling as bad as I am now, I know that the good and bad times in this battle, has made me a better person.

And now... one more day before I leave the battle field.


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