I was watching a show about Seinfeld (the person and the show) on the Biography Channel. Do you know that Jerry Seinfeld knew he wanted to become a comedian since he was 8 years old? EIGHT YEARS OLD... WOW! Doesn't it amaze you that some people have such a clear dream in life? How they focus all their energy and passion to achieve that very goal?
While me, I feel like standing in a very messy crossroads and I don't know which road to take. I wonder if God already has a planned road for each one of us to take on our walk of life. If yes, well I hope I find my way soon cause I have no clue what so ever. It would be a lot easier if there is a big neon road sign blinking
"THAT WAY -->"
giving me a clear direction of where I should be heading to. Yeah right, like life is ever that simple :)
Or what if there is no such thing as designated road for each of us? What if we need to make our own road, create our own destiny? Will God than be asking too much to mankind?
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