Monday, April 04, 2011

Dry Spell

Calling this hiatus simply as a dry spell will be the understatement of the year. It's been so long that I can't even remember what's the blog name. It took me some digging of old files to jog my memory. I'm really glad that I remember it now. Even tho I only feel this space once in a blue moon, there's some nuggets here that I will not want to forget.

It's funny to read the last post which I did just after I came back from Bracknell as I just repeat that trip 3 weeks ago. Life truly work in its magical way. I stayed in the same hotel as my last trip. The town did't seem to change much at all. Unlike last time when I had lots of time to play since I was on a course with lots of guys to hang out with, this time I spent all my time to work and work and more work. I didn't even go to London. The project went well, so it was definitely worth the trip away from Perth's summer.


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