Monday, January 24, 2005


A long slumber...

I'd like to say that I spent those time contemplating on the past year and preparing myself facing the new year. But truth be told, I was just too confused to write down any of my thoughts.

Than disaster struck.

It tips the balance of my already tipsy world. My deepest condolences to those in lost. I'm speechless. No words could ever do justice in describing the horrific situation that they are facing. And I'm struck by the obvious fact that I had choose to ignore before.


We're carrying a borrowed body, wearing those borrowed wealth, together with those who won't stay with us forever, on this short borrowed time. We, mortal human being, own NOTHING.

So what's the whole purpose of this 'renting' life we have? IS THERE such thing as purpose of life? I don't know if I ever be able to answer that question. But if there is something that I can learn from all this ordeal, I want to keep on remembering this...

Life is too short and I want to be grateful for every second I have. I want to live life to the fullest.


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