Tuesday, February 07, 2006

On Meditation (2)

Recap on my January habit, after 3 or 4 attempts of meditation, I decided that it's not meant for me. Least not now. I'm not proud of myself for not able to commit on the first thing I promise myself to do on 2006, but I'm honest enough to admit that and not make myself do something that doesn't really fit me.

I think I'm too edgy to have my butt not moving for 20 minutes or so. And I realize that every day, I have my own ritual where I am in peace with myself. It's in my first cup of coffee in the morning while gazing out from the office window. Slowly sipping the black liquid, feeling the bitter taste awaken my senses. It may not be the same as meditating, but it's close enough for me for now. Maybe later I can do the meditation. When I'm older... and wiser... and my butt can sit tight longer :)

So... 12 habits count: out 1, in 0, 11 more to go.


At 9/2/06 12:11, Blogger prikitiuw said...

Oh no..plese don't quit. even if you can only spare 5 minutes of your time that is fine. It really helps. I don't think you need to sit cross-legged if you don't feel comfortable. Night time is better though i think as you will be less bothered with activities ahead of you unlike in the morning. Try to do it lying down in bed before you go to sleep might help you to incorporate it easier to your routine. Just lie down, try and feel and focus your mind on every inch of your body. Even a mere 5 minutes should be beneficial if done regularly.

At 9/2/06 21:07, Blogger Sanity INC. said...

Ok lah... for you, I give it a shot. I might just fall asleep straight away lying on my bed, you know :)
Hey, what happen to your blog? I've been trying to visit your blog for weeks now. If you move, would you mind letting me know your new address? You can email it to me if you don't want to go public. Kind of miss reading your witty writing.


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