Monday, May 08, 2006

The Betrayal

This morning a friend shared a sad story. Someone cleaned up his whole savings, left him penniless. All those years of hard work, gone in what seems like a second. And what hurt him more, the crime was done by someone close, he knew him for more than five years, and he trusted him like his own brother. Actually that bastard almost become his brother in-law in few months time.

This weekend I watched a movie, Match Point. A husband killing his pregnant lover so his wife won't find out. He was someone who married for convenience, loved someone else, and than not willing to sacrifice his lifestyle, decided to kill the love of his life. The wife didn't have a clue.

You heard that story for time to time. The betrayal. The treachery. It made me thinking. How well can you actually know someone? Trusting yourself into the hand of someone you thought you can rely on? Risking that you could be crushed and crippled?

But to live without trust, without the believe of goodness in people, would it still be a life worth living?



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