5 Things I Want To Do Before 2006 Gone By
1. Drive in Jakarta's street. Highlight "In-Jakarta's-Street".
I'm ashamed to admit that I have been dependant on having others driving me around. My driving license expired 4 years ago and I haven't renew it since. Started yesterday, I'm taking driving lesson to refresh my rusty skill. I'll have 3 more lessons to go (maybe more depending on my level of confidence) before I'm making new license and start battling the war against all the crazy-maniac-i'don'tcareifigothurt-bikers.
2. Enroll to online master degree.
SomethingI've been planning since last year. And somehow I keep giving myself excuse to postpone it. Not enough time. Too much energy taken. Too expensive (wouldn't it be better if I use the money for shopping?). Blablabla... the list goes on. Regardless of all that, deep in the back of my mind, i know that it's an investment worth taking. I have safe enough money to do it. And now, when I'm not even thinking about children, would be the best time to take it.
3. Lose Weight, 13 kgs of me.
I'm in borderline of being overweight. My BMI is 25.2 (ideal BMI is 18.5 - 25). 13 kg is a very agressive target to achieve in only 5 months but it's definietly doable. I don't want to starve myself tho. I don't believe in self-punishment. I do know that I need to eat healthier food group (yea.. yea... I even going to try eating more of those yukky veggie) and excercise more (my dusty elliptical bike will be so happy).
4. Call and talk to my sis and my parents more.
We are not one of those close family that hang around together regularly. The fact that my sisters and I live in different cities make us only see each other maybe once every 2 or 3 months. In fact, I haven't seen my middle sister for almost a year now since she's not even in the country. But I know that with email/chatting/phone/sms and all the goodies that technology offer, it's not an excuse to loose contact. So concious effort to have minimum of one contact per week is needed.
5. Get married.
Needless to say, it's the top of my priority now. 4.5 years relationship, 3.5 years of that long distance, have drain my energy away. Few quick emails and phonecall over weekend left me in constant hunger for something more. I just want to share my days with the one that I love. Without having to count on how many more days before the next meeting and how many more days before we have to seperate our ways again.
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