Thursday, July 13, 2006

Citizenship Law

The government has approved the law that allow children from mixed marriage to have dual citizenship till their 18 years old. Finally. And about bloody time that the government come to their senses. My happiness is beyond words :)

All is thanks to this wonderful people that have been fighting to pass the law. Let's hear it for them... HIP HIP HORAY! Once again... HIP HIP HOOOORAAAYYY!!! :)

Aside from that, this morning on a radio I heard a woman complaining that the law should allow her kids to have dual citizenship forever. Now I can understand where she stands. It's as if asking a child to choose between the mother or the father. And I would love that my children [heh, typical woman, haven't been married and yet already imagining her future children :)] can hold dual citizenship forever. Still, to be fair with the rest of hundred millions of Indonesian that only allowed single citizenship, I don't see that children from mixed marriage should be given special treatment once they're mature enough to make their own decision. Don't get me wrong, I think in this more-and-more-becoming-borderless world that we live in now, Indonesia should join this 89 countries that recognize some form of dual/multiple citizenship. But that option should apply to ALL Indonesian citizen.

While waiting to the time when Indonesian government put enough trust to its citizens in having dual nationality, let's just see what country that do or don't recognize dual citizenship. We are not alone, people.

red - don't, yellow - do, gray - unknown
Source: Wikipedia

Now with the change of the law, maybe Indonesian colour should be change into something between red and yellow. Maybe we're ORANGE country? :)


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