Sunday, October 31, 2004

And I'm In love...

Five weeks down, five more weeks to go. Yap... I officially survived the first half of the torture. The class session just finished yesterday and for someone that came unprepared with brain as clean as a baby butt, to be 2nd on the class is not a bad achievement. All and all, this have been the most interesting and rewarding course that I ever have. Because, for the first time in my four working years, I finally fall in love with the industry that I'm in. I finally made up my mind that yes, I want to build career and retired in this business.

It may seems pathetic that it took me this long to decide but it has not been an easy decision. Or maybe I am just thick :) See, I spent my time studying in university only to realized on the last year that I did not want to work in the field that I'm studying. It was not that I know what I want to do, I just know what I did not want to do. So when I graduated, I was lost. I grab whatever job oportunity infront of me, as long that it has nothing to do with what I studied.

I spent the last four years working and learning from scratch, in a complete new industry for me. It has not been a bad experience. As anything in life, there were up and down. But during those time, I keep wondering if it's what I really want to do. Or did I just take myself out from one hell into another hell. You see, I don't want to end up like those people that work only to meet month end. I want to LOVE my work. Yes, LOVE, with all the lightheaded, knotcrunchingstomach, fireworkblasting kind of love.

If work going to take up 50% or more of my waking hours, I sure want to do something that can give me enjoyment and satisfaction.

And now, finally, I have that feeling in my heart.

Monday, October 25, 2004

When Do You Know When It's Becoming Too Much?

How do you know the boundaries of asking someone to do something? How do you know when it's becoming 'too much to ask'?

And how do you handle 'no', when 'yes' is the answer that you really yearn.

God, wish life is not this complicated.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

One Quick Summary

In the blogging world, I have one very VERY bad unforgivable habit. I don't write when things are happening. Which does not make any sense in being a good writer. The logic is : Event --> Stories --> Interesting Blog. No event --> No stories --> Boring Blog. Since I usually write when nothing is happening, I guess not much can be said about this blog quality :)

It's been almost TWO MONTHS since my last post. And I'm trying to capture those time as short as possible.

My Love visit (after 6 long months of waiting), tour to Bali together, have my B'day with him (ehm... waking up next to him on my B'day is the best present ever :).
Painful goodbye :_( You would've thought that the multiple visit-goodbye has toughen you... nope... the heart still bleed. Found best recipe for goodbye pain tho: 12 hrs non-stop of Sex and The City DVD. Very good for anyone who want to numb the heart and brain.
Panic in preparing for my course. Of course I didn't do the "I-will-study-ahead-of-time-and-will-not-wait-till-last-minute". But, with a bit of 'help', manage to pass my entrance quiz :D
Panic in packing last minute of not only my bag, but my whole entire room (i.e my entire belonging). 'Conveniently' the house rent expired while I'm on the course so I have to pack the whole things and give it to my house mate so he can move them to the new place (which till now is still unknown).
The fcking longest tiring flight I ever had. More than 24 hrs! And that's not even include the transit time on the ground. Change flight for 5 fcking time. Was not happy at all and look as pale as ghost when I arrive.

Now stuck in this place for 2-1/2 weeks already. The first place I've ever see equipped with TORNADO shelter in the building. Not sure if I think that more as 'cool' or 'scarry'.

Sigh... 7-1/2 weeks more to go. And all I want to do is go home and enjoying my mum home cook meal.